soccer minis was founded in 2022 by andrea and diego navarro. they have been happily married since 2016 and parents to mateo who was born in 2018 - oh, and dog parents of lolita since 2014.
andrea is a natural born early childhood educator with a degree of psychology from the university of miami, who has worked with young kids as a baby sitter, school teacher, and private tutor.
diego is a life-long soccer fan with a sports management degree from barry university, who has worked in the youth soccer industry as a coach and director for grassroots/rec soccer programs and leagues.
in the fall of 2021 mateo turned 3, so andrea and diego wanted to get him started in soccer. as the researched and tried out a few different programs, none of them felt like they were the right fit. it felt like the exercises where meant for older kids or kids with some soccer experience and not for first-timers.
at this point diego realizes the opportunity to create a program that focuses on first-timers with activities and games that the minis can understand and enjoy! then andrea thought that this can also be a great opportunity for parents to enjoy this time with their little ones on the field and at the same time meet other parents that have kids similar in age.
so they got to work! ideas became plans, plans became actions, and in january 2022 soccer minis kicked off in south florida it's first season with 80 families participating! since then they have been able to introduce their program into different areas in south florida from homestead to pembroke pines.
as of february 2024 they have had over 1,00 families participate with soccer minis. although andrea and diego came up with the idea and found a way to put it into action, they cannot reach to that many families without the soccer minis coaches who dedicate their sunday mornings to the program so that our minis and their families can have a fun time!
although soccer minis started offering their program for kids (ages 2-3) and their parents. now it also offers programs for kids only, ages 4-8. the focus for the program for the older minis, will be to teach them the how to play the game in a fun and positive environment.
since our story just begun, you can expect us to update this page as we go. thank you for learning about us and please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
soccer minis
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